Product categories

ResearchSquirrel products fall into four broad categories: Combo packs, Modules, Enhancements and Proprietary models.


Combo packs

ResearchSquirrel Combo packsCombo packs combine selected ResearchSquirrel Modules and Enhancements into popular product sets that satisfy the most common research requirements. Some packs also include module volume rebate rewards.

Combo packs come in two major flavours:

  • Full-study packs with start-to-finish online survey services that deliver maximum value with penetrating insights; and
  • Part-study packs for partial research services. For example, the Get Going pack gets your own study started with a professional research plan and an exacting and high-validity questionnaire, and you take it from there.

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ResearchSquirrel core ModulesThere are five core ResearchSquirrel modules. You may purchase them together or separately according to your needs. Three or more modules purchased on the same purchase order allow you to enjoy a volume rebate reward as well: 5% for three or four modules or 10% for all five modules.

Full service chart
ResearchSquirrel's core modules

1: Research plan | 2: Questionnaire design | 3: Questionnaire hosting | 4: Primary analysis | 5. Advanced insights

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ResearchSquirrel EnhancementsEnhancements allow you to extend the power and value of your research by augmenting the five core ResearchSquirrel modules. For example, if your study is more complex and needs more questions to draw out a greater depth of insights, you can easily add more to your study by purchasing the appropriate enhancements. Enhancement products do not participate in volume rebate rewards as they are already priced at volume.

Enhancements »


Proprietary models

ResearchSquirrel proprietary ModelsResearchSquirrel's proprietary models are carefully crafted frameworks uniquely designed expose and deeply explain respondent identity, values, attitudes, dispositions, behaviours and journeys. They deliver more penetrating insights than the more routine approaches.

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